Cooking is an art that has to be indeed mastered for survival. The Chefleen Club- officially being the food club of the school – was created with the objective of making children self- sufficient in the field of cooking and to create an awareness about other related aspects like health, hygiene and table manners. The club activities are mainly focused at cooking without fire.

The monthly activities:

1) Inauguration -The Chefleen club was inaugurated by awareness class about health, hygiene, cleanliness and table manners followed by the students making a Sprout Salad, which is indeed a healthy and a handy recipe to be known by all. This activity helped children learn about washing fruits and vegetables as well as some measuring and counting basics. It also helped them develop basic skills in cooking like using a knife, following a recipe and executing it properly and cooking safely.

2) Awareness Session About Healthy and Junk food – The second session of the Chefleen Club was about making children aware of Healthy food And Junk food wherein children were asked to bring some food items and were made to classify as healthy and junk food. The children were made aware of the necessity of eating healthy food and its effect on various aspects of our life.

3)Patriotism through food -August 2022 being a month where we were completing 75 years of independence, the Chefleen Club’s August session was aimed at instilling patriotism to children by means of cooking a Tricolour Sandwich. The struggles that were to be undergone for attaining the freedom that we enjoy now, were briefed out to children in the beginning of the session. A sandwich is indeed a quick breakfast item, learning which will essentially take children a step forward to self sufficiency.

4) The Sweet October Session- Sweets are indeed food items that are in one’s favourite list irrespective of age and hence the Chefleen Club decided to teach students to make Chocolate Nuts and Coco Roll. Chocolates are indeed items that all children like and teaching them to make these on their own using basic and easily available ingredients will indeed reduce their dependency on their parents to make one.

5) The Winter Coffee session-Coffee is one beverage that everyone would like to have in the month of November when the winter season has just started. There are different flavours of coffee but the Chefleen Club decided to teach children to make the famous Dalgona Coffee with an objective to teach something new and unconventional. The Dalgona Coffee, originally from Macau cafe, was made viral world wide by a South Korean reality show host. Learning to make this coffee helped children understand the different food cultures from different parts of the world and compare these cultures with our own food culture.

To sum it up, the activities of the Chefleen club provided children a platform to showcase their talent and explore their creativity in the field of cooking. Knowing to prepare a balanced meal as a child can instill healthy eating behaviour as adults.