Gospel International School Convocation Ceremony (2020-2021)
“You may not have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once, but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own”, quotes Michelle Obama at a Young Leaders Forum. Graduation marks a culmination of years of effort in the relentless pursuit of knowledge and experience. With the onset of graduation, rises the bright sun of hope that inspires life to everyone and everything it shines on. The present outgoing class of 2021 has the unique distinction that none of the previous batches experienced – that of graduating amid a prolonged global pandemic. It is for this reason the essence of hope resounds loud and clear with each of the 19 students from this year’s batch of students. Gospel International School organized a unique blessing convocation for the students of class 10 on the 9th of July, 2021, with the applicable safety measures. The procession of students solemnly trooped in, mindful of the serenity of this crowning moment of their school lives. As the students took their rightful places, it was most probably a trip down the memories of ten years, moving from the realm of childhood to a world of responsibility and independence; ten years that built their values, their beliefs, their emotions and most importantly, their fundamental identity as a Gospelite – and the personality that this identity bears, to be borne lifelong. The event was graced by the presence of dignitaries – Mr. Winfred Joshua, President, GIS, Rev. Dr. Joel Surendra, Secretary, Dr. Anupama Caroline, Manager, Mrs. Florence Sheeba, Academic Coordinator, Pastor Nevil and Mrs. Lavena Nevil, Principal, and Mr. Raghavendra, Headmaster of the school.
The auspicious occasion began by invoking the presence of the divine in prayer, and a song led by Pastor. Florence and backed by the melodious vocals of the staff members of GIS. It was indeed a conscientious and powerful allocution delivered by Rev. Dr. Joel Surendra, addressing the young graduates, motivating them fervently to step up, maintain a positive, goal-achieving mindset and refusing to permit setbacks and failures to overwhelm or undermine their identity. The students were challenged and were invigorated toward taking up a pact to step out of their comfort zones, set high standards for themselves and work hard toward achieving them. The keynote address called to mind the school’s watchwords: G -to grow limitlessly; I – to ignite the flame; and S – to soar to greater heights. Mr. Winfred Joshua, Rev. Dr. Joel Surendra, Mrs. Florence Sheeba, and Mrs. Lavena Nevil conferred the awards on the meritorious students. All the students received their mementos and certificates from the illustrious panel of dignitaries. A set of students were recognized for their exemplary and estimable efforts and were bestowed with special honours: Miss. Prathibha J for the Best Student Award; Master. Mohanraj S for the Academic Excellence Award; and Master. Rajesh M for the Promising Student Award.
In addition to the revelry, the school toppers of the previous academic year, Miss. Lavanya and Master. Lukas, were invited along with their parents and gifted with a cash prize for their resplendent achievements. The stars that shot up on the backdrop behind the seated students onstage foretell the bright futures of each shining star seated in the auditorium – an incandescent future illuminated by the morals and values inculcated at GIS. Equipped and accomplished with merit in hand, it was a proud moment for the young Gospelites. As the event spurred on to a paramount climax, the symbolic lamp of knowledge was lit by the School President and Manager to the mellifluous rendition of “Carry your candle, run to the darkness… Hold out your candle for all to see it, Take your candle, go light your world”. The flame was then passed on to each student until the entire auditorium lit up with the radiance of the symbolic flame, vanquishing the darkness of ignorance. And thus, our dear young students took a courageous step into a new chapter in their lives: one rife with opportunity, hope and dreams. Led by Pastor. Florence Sheeba, the students then pledged the oath in one accord, promising to uphold their values and identities as Gospelites forevermore, wherever they go. Once a Gospelite, always a Gospelite. It was a heartening moment to witness the solemnity of the powerful scene. Here they stood, the young novices at their commencement – the beginning of their lives as citizens of the world. They were being let loose, to spread their wings and fly as real individuals of the world. In resolution of a glorious day, Miss. Prathibha J. took to stage to tender the Valedictorian speech and deliver the Vote of thanks. It was an emotional moment of reminiscing never forgotten school days and all the times of laughter, anxiety, joy, and school spirit. Rev. Dr. Joel Surendra shared a prayer will all the students and the gathered, blessing them for their success and progress. The students exited the auditorium after receiving the blessing and well-wishes of all the dignitaries, staff and members of the audience. It was a most cherished event indeed. The future belonged to them, and with diligence, patience and effort, they would take their places in the world of greater service.